Return Policy

You may return most new, unopened items which were not special orders within 30 days of purchase. Items must be returned in their original packaging and re-saleable.  All returns will be subject to a 15% restocking fee. Special order items may be returned at our discretion but be subject to a 30% restocking fee. We will not accept returns on merchandise that was opened, used, is missing the serial number or UPC, or returned more then 30 days after purchase. If you would like to make a return or exchange, you must contact us by phone. Items returned to us without notification will not be eligible for a refund or exchange.

We will ship as soon as we possibly can. We can not be responsible for items in the control of the shipping agency, we insure all orders in case of loss or damage while in their control.  Please be aware that we are located in Alaska and rates outside the state are higher. If you have questions about shipping or costs please contact us. All items are shipped priority mail (3-4 days). We do not ship UPS or FED EX.  Shipping costs on the order form are an estimate and not actual and based on dollar amount and not weight.  If you have any questions about shipping costs please call us from within Alaska: 1-800-446-2611, or outside of Alaska: 1-907-373-2650.